Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thank God!

The strike is over! I didn't realize how much I'd missed my favorite shows until Thursday night when I sat down to watch NBC's Must-See-TV lineup of My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office, and Scrubs. Now, granted, Earl has really begun to wear out its welcome. I am so sick of Earl in a coma (even if it does make me start humming The Smiths every time I think about it). But the rest of the night was perfect.

30 Rock is quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite shows. MILF Island was classic, and I can't wait for the Deborah Show. The Office was as painfully funny for me as it was painfully uncomfortable for Pam and Jim (and I guess Angela and Andy) . Scrubs is one of those shows that I never THINK about loving but I do.

Now, if we can just make it to the 24th when Ugly Betty shows her face again -- I am set!!

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